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+91 9004320744

Terms of Service

1) The security & Housekeeper bill be submitted on 1st of every month and it should be paid before the 10th of every month. Any queries or bouts in the bill should be cleared by the 4th of every month.

2) In case of delays in payments BSS reserves the rights to impose 2% interest on the total bill amount.

3) If the client fails to do the payment for continuously 3 months the service will be discontinued by giving a prior intimation of just 48 hours.

4) BSS reserves the right to change security personnel in the event of health illness or any other emergency reasons and the same will be communicated to concerned authorities. However this will not be done in frequent intervals.

5) The service tax imposed on the total bills is must and will change according to governments amendments on service tax values.

6) A minimum annual hike of 10% in the salaries will be applied each year or as discussed between the two parties.

7) If the client requires extra personnel on any temporary special event they shall communicate the same to BSS three days prior to the event and the wages of such extra personnel will be 25% more then the regular payment of such rank of personnel.

8) In the case of cheque bounce/return the client will have to pay a penalty of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) which will be added to the next bill.